These installation pieces incorporate non-traditional materials such as glass, industrial screening, and found objects to create illusionistic space within a square format.
IN SITU IN BLUE, 2021, acrylic on glass, 11" x 11" x 1"
IN SITU IN YELLOW, 2021, acrylic on painted glass, 11" x 11" x 1"
IN SITU IN RED, 2021, acrylic on glass, 11" x 11" x 1"
IN SITU IN OCHRE, 2021, acrylic on glass, 11" x 11" x 1"
TIME IN WHITE, 2021, painted glass suspended in wood box, 11” x 11” x 1.75"
TIME IN BLACK, 2021, painted glass suspended in wood box, 11” x 11” x 1.75"
HAMMER I, 2021, painted glass suspended in painted wood box, 11” x 11” x 2.5"
HAMMER II, 2021, painted glass suspended in wood box, 11” x 11” x 1.75"
ROLL OF THE DICE, Diptych, 2021, round dice on painted panel encased under frame, 16" x 16" x 3 1/4"
BALTIMORE, 2021, wood tops on glass and wood panel, 11" x 11" x 2 1/2"
SHAKING THE BONE I, 2020, acrylic, wood panel, dice, 11" x 11" x 1"
SHAKING THE BONE II, 2020, acrylic, wood panel, dice, 11" x 11" x 1"
COUNTERPOINT I, 2001, walnut ink & gouache on vellum, 8" x 8" each
ANALYTICS, 1998, screening on velum, 10" x 10" each
ANALYTICS I, 1998, screening on velum, 10" x 10"
ANALYTICS II, 1998, screening on velum, 10" x 10"
SICKEL SICKEL, 2021, Sickel on painted wood panel, 10" x 10"
GEAR, 2021, Gear on Painted Panel, 10" x 10"
END GAME, 2021, newspaper on glass and corrugated aluminum panel, 10” x 10” x 10”
SPIELSTUK IV, 1995, marbles, plastic cover on corrugated aluminum panel, 1” x 10” x 10”